.. _config: Config ====== For ease of use Tv Renamr uses a config file. By default it looks for it in ``~/.tvrenamr/config.yml``, an example is listed :ref:`below ` which shows all the possible default values you can use. Defaults -------- The defaults segment should be self-explanatory but I'll list them just for completeness. The listed values are the assumed defaults if any of the options are not added. Format ~~~~~~ The output format for files to be renamed to. .. code-block:: yaml format: '%n - %s%e - %t%x' * ``%n``: Show name * ``%s``: Season Number * ``%e``: Episode Number * ``%t``: Episode Title * ``%x``: Extension .. note:: The extension part includes the period ``(.)`` part of the file's extension and is also optional. Library ~~~~~~~ The online database to use for episode names. Options are: thetvdb or tvrage .. code-block:: yaml library: thetvdb Organise ~~~~~~~~ Organise your files within the renamed directory. .. code-block:: yaml organise: yes Renamed ~~~~~~~ The directory to move your renamed files to. .. code-block:: yaml renamed: /Volumes/Media/TV/ The ~~~ If a show has a leading 'The', such as 'The Big Bang Theory', move it to the end of the show name, i.e. 'Big Bang Theory, The'. .. code-block:: yaml the: true Tv Shows -------- Below the defaults are shows that won't get renamed correctly using the default options. Taking CSI as the example you have: .. code-block:: yaml csi: canonical: "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" output: "CSI, Crime Scene Investigation" Show Name ~~~~~~~~~ In the above example ``csi`` is used to match the show name in the downloaded file name, which might look something like this ``csi.s10e01.blah.blah.avi``. Canonical ~~~~~~~~~ The name used by the online database(s) for a show. Since The TVDb and Tv Rage both list CSI as *CSI: Crime Scene Investigation* the ``canonical`` option is used. .. code-block:: yaml canonical: "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" .. note:: This method is the easiest way to deal with shows with a year in the name too, i.e. Castle (2009). Output ~~~~~~ The show name to use when writing the new filename. The canonical show name contains a colon which most filesystems won't play nice with .. code-block:: yaml output: "CSI, Crime Scene Investigation" Format ~~~~~~ The output format to use when writing the new filename. .. code-block:: yaml format: %n - %s%e .. warning:: The colon ``(:)`` and comma ``(,)`` characters are `reserved`_ in YAML so must be quoted. .. _reserved: http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2806177 .. _example: .. code-block:: yaml defaults: format: '%n - %s%e - %t%x' library: thetvdb organise: yes renamed: /Volumes/Media/TV/ the: true '24': format: '%n - %s%e' american dad: canonical: American Dad! castle 2009: canonical: Castle (2009) csi: canonical: "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" output: "CSI, Crime Scene Investigation" doctor who 2005: canonical: Doctor Who (2005) the it crowd: the: false the simpsons: the: false v 2009: canonical: V (2009) output: V